
Creative Way to Create Business Leads this Halloween

Creative Way to Create Business Leads this Halloween

“HALLOWEEN” PROSPECTING   I have been teaching this prospecting idea for over 20 years, and have received countless number of testimonies from business owners who have used it and created great local prospects for their business opportunity, products, and services. At the end of October all over America children will be Trick-or-Treating. That means that […]

Automobile Decal Advertising

Automobile Decal Advertising

    Car advertising decals are great for economical way to advertise your products, businesses, and services.  Car decals are and easy and automatic way to show potential customers why they should patronize your business.  They require no ongoing activity or time on your part.  They are a set and forget advertising & promtoion method. […]

Free Vacation Incentive Certificates for customer acquisition

Free Vacation Incentive Certificates for customer acquisition

  Customer Free Travel Certificates  The first time I used travel certificate promotions was in the late nineties. The certificate entitled people to a 3 day 2 night vacation in several resort locations around the United States. When someone bought our weight loss product for $39.00 they received the 3 day 2 night vacation.  What […]

Money Drop Cards

Money Drop Cards

    Money Drop Cards are one of the best advertising methods for small business owners, but one that many have not discovered yet.    Why do Money Drop Cards work so well and what are they? The secret to any advertising method is eye balls.  Advertising blindness is real.  When we see the same […]

Door Hanger Advertising

Door Hanger Advertising

How do you use door hanger advertising to generate sales for your small business? Is door hanger advertising worth it? Can door hangers create sales and leads for small businesses? If you’ve ever come home on an empty stomach to find a door hanger add on your doorknob announcing the opening of a new Pizza […]

What is a Drop Card?

What is a Drop Card?

In it’s simplest terms a drop card is a small classified ad on a business card.   I originally came up with the idea in the early 1980’s when I was building my first network marketing team. Every time we enrolled a new team member we would help them launch their business with our referral […]